Entry form
37-th Photo Salon STROM 2022
Electronic entry form at the 37-th Photographic salon STROM 2022 subject only to open Max file size is 2 mega bytes .jpg files ONLY if you send files larger than 2 Mega bytes,
you get an error message, and your photos will be rejected.
Maximum dimensions:
1280 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. For images photographed in height, may be the maximum size of 800 to level. Extra large images are not eligible.
Important: To close the form, just press –
Be careful. To end the entry form, press this button.
How to reduce your large files?
Perhaps the easiest way to change the file size is reducing the image quality of 11 or 12 to a value of 9.
Note: When you upload multiple photos, only the last recorded photos will be accepted!
To insert images, press this logo STROM – button:
Special Characters.
Special characters such as , ; : # & \ /ˇ ´ ä,ľ.š.č.ť.ž.ý.á.í.é.‘ please do not use from your input so please avoid use of them.
These characters can interfere with processing of your data/entry.
If you have a problem uploading photos, please send them directly to Email: strom.eu@gmail.com
Please also attach the following information: